Friday, September 23, 2011

Blog Assignment

This blog is meant for the physical education class.  This teacher decided to post inspirational as well as ways to change up boring physical education routines and make them more interesting.  I think especially in physical education it is important to keep changing things up in order to keep students interested.  A blog that students are able to access whenever they feel like it would be a good way to help implement physical activity in their lives.

This blog is a good one for teachers of physical education who need more ideas to add to their curriculum.  I think that blogs are a great way for teachers to share with each other things that they have tried and what works and what doesn't work.

This blog is more for teachers, since it is posting studies that have been conducted and results of students that have been tested.  It could also serve as a good resource for students to look at from time to time if there was a blog post that had to do with what unit the class was currently on or what not.

The two url's that I am currently following through RSS are